Layer 2 Roadmap

Layer 2 solutions on Ethereum are designed to enhance the scalability, speed, and cost-efficiency of transactions without compromising the security and decentralization offered by Ethereum Mainnet. These solutions operate on top of the Ethereum base layer, processing transactions off-chain while periodically settling them on-chain. By doing so, they alleviate congestion on Ethereum and significantly reduce gas fees. This helps make Ethereum more accessible for a broader range of users and applications.

Prominent layer 2 solutions, such as rollups (both optimistic and zero-knowledge) and sidechains, enable thousands of transactions to be bundled and processed in a single transaction on Ethereum. This results in faster confirmation times and drastically reduced transaction costs, which are crucial for DeFi applications and other high-transaction-volume use cases. Additionally, these layer 2 solutions often come with enhanced features, such as improved user experiences, making them an essential component of Ethereum's scalability roadmap.

By leveraging layer 2 solutions, Super OETH can offer compounded rewards and higher yields while maintaining the robust security and decentralization that Ethereum is known for.

August 2024

  • Super OETH is deployed as superOETHb on Base with Beacon Chain yield bridged from Ethereum and an Aerodrome integration

September 2024

  • Super OETH begins harvesting incentives from Base to generate higher yield for superOETHb

  • Top tier money markets begin integrating Super OETH to enable optional leveraged staking

Q3-Q4 2024

  • Super OETH is deployed as superOETHo on Optimism with Beacon Chain yield bridged from Ethereum and a Velodrome integration

  • Additional L2 deployments are considered for Super OETH

  • Value from Super OETH accrues to OGN holders

Last updated