OETH Registry
Contracts related to Origin Ether
Last updated
Contracts related to Origin Ether
Last updated
Most of Origin's contracts are upgradable via a well-known proxy wrapper and an implementation contract. The Vault is split into VaultAdmin and VaultCore to work around the maximum contract size limit on Ethereum.
Origin Ether (ERC-20)
Wrapped OETH (ERC-4626)
Vault Proxy
Vault Admin
Vault Core
Harvester Simple
Oracle Router
First Native Staking Strategy
First Native Staking Fee Accumulator
Second Native Staking Strategy
Second Native Staking Fee Accumulator
Third Native Staking Strategy
Third Native Staking Fee Accumulator
Convex ETH+OETH (AMO) Strategy
OETH / ETH Price Feed (Chainlink Oracle)
The following Chainlink oracles are used to protect the vault in case a backing asset loses value. They also offer slippage protection when harvesting rewards tokens.
The AURA/ETH price comes from Origin's AuraWETHPriceFeed
contract, which uses the Balancer 80 AURA, 20 WETH pool to get a time weighted average price (TWAP). The TWAP used is the latest AURA/WETH price with a five-minute interval. This is cross checked with the one hour interval price from five minutes earlier. If the two TWAPs are more than 2% out, the price is rejected.
Balancer 80 Aura 20 WETH Pool
wOETH (ERC-20)
OETH / wOETH Exchange Rate (Chainlink Oracle)
wOETH (ERC-20)
OETH / wOETH Exchange Rate (Chainlink Oracle)
wOETH (ERC-20)
Coming soon™️
OETH / wOETH Exchange Rate (Chainlink Oracle)
Governor / Timelock
frxETH Staking Strategy
frxETH Redemption Strategy
Aura rETH+WETH Strategy
Morpho Aave V2 WETH Strategy
Lido Withdrawal Strategy