
Continuously audited

Origin has a continuous auditing agreement with OpenZeppelin to review 100% of the OETH and OUSD smart contract changes. OpenZeppelin has audited Coinbase, Ethereum, Aave, Compound, and other leading projects. They are one of the most trusted auditing firms in the industry and we are thrilled to count them as part of our extended team.

At launch, OETH utilized 95% of the same code as OUSD and has since been simplified with the removal of LST collateral and farming strategies. Changes were audited by OpenZeppelin and Narya prior to launch. OUSD has also been thoroughly audited by multiple other top security firms, including Trail of Bits and Solidified.

The governance token (OGN) and all associated governance contracts have been audited as well.

We're also grateful for the in-depth risk assessment of OETH from LlamaRisk:

Asset Risk Assessment: Origin Ether (OETH)

In addition, the underlying strategies and dependencies that OUSD utilizes have been thoroughly audited by various firms.

OUSD only integrates strategies that have been carefully audited and battle-tested with significant capital over an extended period of time.

Compound Strategy

Compound has been audited by Trail of Bits and OpenZeppelin and formally verified by Certora. Visit the Compound documentation for their full list of audits including the original code for the modified timelock used by our governance system.

Aave Strategy

Aave has been audited by Trail of Bits, OpenZeppelin, ConsenSys Diligence, Certik, MixBytes, and PeckShield. It has also been formally verified by Certora. Visit the Aave documentation for their full list of audits.

Curve Strategy

Curve has been audited by Trail of Bits and Quantstamp. Visit the Curve documentation for their full list of audits.

Convex Strategy

Convex has been audited by MixBytes and PeckShield. Visit the Convex documentation for their full list of audits.

Morpho Strategy

Morpho has been audited by Trail of Bits, Solidified, ChainSecurity, Omniscia, Pessimistic Security, and Spearbit. Visit the Morpho documentation for their full list of audits.

Chainlink Oracles

Chainlink has been audited by Quantstamp, SigmaPrime, Callisto, and Nick Johnson.

Full list of audits

The full list of audits can be found on our GitHub repo, including spontaneous community audits.

Last updated