
The rewards generated by Super OETH are closely tied to the Aerodrome flywheel and Beacon chain staking rewards.

Aerodrome, the liquidity hub of Base, plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by combining features of both Uniswap and Curve into a single platform, making it the largest protocol on Base.

Aerodrome incentivizes token holders to vote for pools that generate the highest volume and provide the most value to the ecosystem. In return, voters are rewarded with the fees from those pools as well as additional vote rewards from external protocols.

Origin plans to actively participate in this flywheel by directing vote rewards to veAERO lockers. These lockers, in turn, will use their voting power to drive AERO emissions towards the Super OETH pool. This strategy not only helps to build deep liquidity but also contributes to the yield generated by Super OETH, along with staking rewards from ETH staked in the Beacon Chain.

Last updated